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Course Description

Virtual reality (VR), simulations, and educational “serious games” all hold a lot of potential for the education field. They have the potential to be utilized in student-centered learning environments, as comparison to teacher-centered learning environments, in which students actively engage with learning material, leading to better integrated knowledge. They have been used to develop educational experiences in a variety of disciplines that need for in-depth conceptualization, drill training (repetition, automation), and complicated contextual problem-solving (individuals and teams). Direct learning that is both affordable and scalable has been given a boost by the advent of low-cost, high-fidelity virtual reality environments.

This is in line with the policies that call for a move away from an education that is centered on the teacher toward an education that is centered more on the learner, that push for games and playful learning, and that promote scientific thinking and evidence-based reasoning. It might also be helpful in addressing the problem of decreasing enthusiasm and motivation in scientific endeavors, which is a problem that arises in conjunction with the anticipated expansion of highly qualified educational opportunities.

This training course is designed to help educators understand the potential of VR technology in the classroom. Through hands-on activities and interactive discussions, participants will learn how to use VR to create immersive learning experiences that engage students and enhance their understanding of various subjects. The course will cover a range of topics, including how to use VR to visualize complex concepts, create virtual field trips, and design interactive simulations. By the end of the course, educators will have the knowledge and skills necessary to integrate VR into their classrooms and take advantage of its many benefits.

Learning Outcomes

Understand the basics of virtual reality technology and its potential for education

  • Learn how to use VR to create immersive learning experiences that engage students and enhance their understanding of various subjects
  • Explore a range of VR applications, such as virtual field trips and interactive simulations
  • Develop the skills necessary to integrate VR into the classroom and take advantage of its many benefits
  • Understand the pedagogy and best practices for using virtual reality technology in education
  • Develop skills in creating interactive and engaging virtual reality experiences for the classroom
  • Learn how to evaluate the effectiveness of virtual reality technology in enhancing student learning outcomes
  • Understand the ethical and safety considerations for using virtual reality technology in the classroom
  • Learn how to troubleshoot and maintain virtual reality equipment and hardware.
  • Understand the potential of virtual reality technology to support diverse learners and inclusive classrooms
  • Understand the potential of virtual reality technology to support remote and online learning

Course Details


Professionals in the education sector (e.g., teachers, guidance counselors, principals, and administrators at elementary, middle, high, and vocational institutions) and non-governmental organization (NGO) staff.


Participants will be introduced to the basics of virtual reality technology and its potential for education. This will include a brief history of VR, an overview of current VR technology and hardware, and an introduction to the various types of VR experiences. Participants will engage in hands-on activities that will give them a chance to experience VR for themselves. This will include using VR headsets to explore virtual environments, using VR apps and software, and creating simple VR experiences. They will engage in interactive discussions to explore the potential of VR for education. This will include brainstorming sessions to generate ideas for using VR in the classroom and sharing and discussing examples of VR in education. Case studies will be used to study of VR in education, to understand how VR has been used in real-world educational settings, and the outcomes observed. Participants will learn how to design and develop VR experiences for the classroom. This will include instruction on using VR authoring tools, creating virtual environments, and designing interactive simulations.

Course Objectives

  • Basic Concepts: Explain the fundamental concepts and history of Virtual Reality (VR) technology.
  • Hardware and Software: Introduce VR hardware (e.g., headsets, controllers) and popular VR software.
  • Creating VR Environments: Teach the basic tools and techniques used to create VR environments and experiences.
  • Application Areas: Examine the applications of Virtual Reality in education, healthcare, entertainment, architecture, industry, and many other fields.
  • User Experience: Understand the impact of VR experiences on users and teach how to optimize user experience.
  • Immersive Design: Explain the design principles and practices necessary for creating immersive VR experiences.
  • Interaction Design: Teach techniques for designing effective user interactions in VR environments.
  • Performance and Optimization: Explain how to enhance the performance of VR applications and discuss optimization techniques.
  • Ethical and Legal Issues: Discuss ethical and legal issues related to Virtual Reality, with particular attention to privacy and intellectual property rights.
  • Differences Between Virtual and Augmented Reality: Touch on the fundamental differences between Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR).
  • Future Trends: Examine future trends and potential innovations in the field of Virtual Reality.
  • Projects and Applications: Provide opportunities for participants to develop their own VR projects using the knowledge they have acquired.

Tentative Schedule


  • Meeting – Getting to know each other
  • Introduction to Virtual Reality
  • Theoretical knowledge and appropriate examples
  • Hands-on Activities with VR


  • How can we are able technologies be developed for tomorrow’s classroom?
  • Development platform introduction and installation on computers
  • Encourage visual learners to color code their notes
  • Incorporating color into presentations and assignments
  • Case Studies of VR in Education


  • Designing VR experiences for the classroom
  • Game and educational game concepts
  • Development platform introduction and installation to computers
  • Stage design and “terrain” creation


  •  Evaluating the effectiveness of VR
  •  3D models and animation
  •  VR camera and settings
  •  Selection of sounds and music and adding them to the game
  •  Coding studies
  •  Combine coding, design and animation with a pathway in virtual reality
  •  Extracting and testing the developed content in “MAPK” format


  • Pedagogy and best practices for using VR in education
  • Developing interactive and engaging VR experiences
  • Ethical and safety considerations for using VR in the classroom
  • Troubleshooting and maintaining VR equipment and hardware
  • Potential of VR to support diverse learners and inclusive classrooms
  • Potential of VR to support remote and online learning


  • Discover the creative aspects of the games/animations through practical projects
  • Build your technical and creative skills and prepare for video game design or animation with a focus on virtual reality
  • Develop distinctive and creative work for a variety of VR platforms and technologies
  • Preparing a lesson plan in virtual reality


  • Presentations
  • Feedback about the course
  • Review and wrap-up
  • Certificate Ceremony
  • Cultural Activity

*The schedule describes likely activities but may differ significantly based on the requests of the participants, and the trainer delivering the specific session. Course modifications are subject to the trainer’s discretion. If you would like to discuss a specific topic, please indicate it at least 4 weeks in advance.

Our courses usually include two cultural activities. Further information is available on the webpage of each course.

Duration 1 - 2 weeks
Price 80.00

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