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Digital Games And Storytelling

Course Description

Every single human being has a one-of-a-kind personal history that is formed by their individual experiences, ideas, and emotions. The act of telling one’s experiences to other people may be a transformative and inspirational experience for both the listeners and the narrators of those experiences. Sharing one’s experiences with others can be a powerful tool.

The art of conveying stories through the use of various digital tools and technologies is known as digital storytelling. In addition to the text and an actual tale to tell, the fundamental components of digital storytelling include video footage, images, pictures, or illustrations; background music and other sounds or audio recordings; and any combination of these elements. The art of digital storytelling consists of combining the spoken or written story that we select or develop on our own with various kinds of artistic expression in order to make a visually captivating story. In order for a digital tale to be captivating and intriguing for the viewer, the story needs to be innovative. The more creative the story is, the more chance it has of capturing the attention of the viewer.

Digital games and storytelling offer new opportunities for educators to engage students in the classroom and support learning in a variety of subjects. Games can be used as a tool for teaching and learning, and interactive narratives can be used to create engaging and immersive learning experiences. The use of digital games in education has been shown to increase student motivation, engagement, and problem-solving skills. Storytelling, in particular, is a powerful tool for teaching, as it allows for the creation of rich and meaningful learning experiences. This training course is designed to provide educators with the knowledge and skills necessary to use digital games and storytelling to engage students in the classroom.

Learning Outcomes

Successful graduates of the course will have the knowledge and skills to do the following:

  • Understand the basics of game design and game-based learning
  • Learn how to use digital games and interactive narratives in the classroom
  • Understand how to use digital games and storytelling to support student learning across different subjects and grade levels
  • Develop the skills necessary to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for students
  • Raise awareness of technology advancements in the classroom
  • Enhance one’s critical understandings of narrative, meaning making and all production aspects
  • Improve one’s capacity to identify the essential elements of compelling and meaningful storytelling
  • Improve one’s capacity to create digital stories, including editing and online distribution
  • Increase computer skills using software that combines a variety of multimedia including: text, still images, audio, video and web publishing
  • Appeal to the diverse learning styles of students by using Digital Storytelling as a presentation media
  • Generate interest, attention and motivation for the “digital generation” kids in our classrooms
  • Capitalize on the creative talents of your own students as they begin to research and tell stories of their own
  • Publish student work on the Internet for viewing and critiquing by others
  • Promote the accomplishment of cross-curricular academic standards and learning objectives

Course Details


Professionals in the education sector (e.g., teachers, guidance counselors, principals, and administrators at elementary, middle, higher education, vocational institutions, kindergartens and pre-primary schools) and non-governmental organization (NGO) staff.


The aim of the training course is to offer the participants with a particular methodology for applying the Digital Storytelling technique in school contexts as well as in settings not associated with formal education. The course is designed to meet important training needs that are becoming more prevalent among young people, such as intercultural and cross-cultural competence, critical thinking, collaborative and project-based learning, creative problem-solving, and digital literacy. Through interactive workshops, hands-on activities, and discussions, participants will learn how to design and implement digital games and interactive narratives in the classroom. The course will cover a range of topics, including game design, game-based learning, narrative design, and how to use digital games and storytelling to support student learning across different subjects and grade levels. By the end of the course, educators will have the knowledge and skills necessary to create engaging and interactive learning experiences for their students.

Course Objectives

  • Enable participants to develop a foundational understanding of digital games and storytelling.
  • Help participants understand the relationship between digital games and storytelling.
  • Teach the fundamental concepts and processes of game design.
  • Enable participants to apply storytelling techniques to digital games.
  • Teach effective character creation and development skills in digital games.
  • Provide knowledge in visual and sound design for creating immersive worlds and atmospheres in digital games.
  • Encourage participants to understand game mechanics and gameplay elements.
  • Examine how storytelling in digital games impacts player experience.
  • Teach the use of appropriate software and tools for effective digital game and storytelling creation.
  • Foster the development of participants’ creative thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.
  • Promote the communication of social and cultural messages through digital games and storytelling.
  • Enhance participants’ ability to create their own digital games and stories.

Tentative Schedule


  • Introduction and course overview
  • Ice breaking
  • Individual expectations
  • Discussion on what is Digital Storytelling?
  • A general look to digital storytelling process
  • A general look to digital game
  • Types of online educational game
  • Writing stage
  • The screenplay stage
  • Creating a storyboard
  • Creating the digital story


  • Introduction/Use of digital games and storytelling in your organization
  • Main strategies supporting digital storytelling implementation in education
  • Role of the educator and its confidence and motivation
  • What makes a good story?
  • Analysis of content
  • Audience/ target


  • Images and Copyright – Using High Resolution Images
  • Finding and Using Copyright-Free Music Tracks
  • Digital Audio Formats
  • What is an Infographic?
  • Infographics templates
  • Charts, tables, and graphs


  •  Using the ICT tools to create your own project
  •  Learning how to create and edit films
  •  Powerful tools for digital storytelling
  •  Use of multimedia tools
  •  Sharing with online tools
  •  Some good digital story telling projects


  • Getting Started with Scriptwriting
  • Creating a Storyboard
  • Recording Narration
  • How to put sounds effects and voice narrations
  • How to effectively edit audio-visual stories


  • Sharing your own digital story
  • Projects on screen
  • Action plan
  • Reflections of the day


  • Course evaluation
  • Feedbacks and discussions
  • Certificate ceremony
  • Cultural activity

*The schedule describes likely activities but may differ significantly based on the requests of the participants, and the trainer delivering the specific session. Course modifications are subject to the trainer’s discretion. If you would like to discuss a specific topic, please indicate it at least 4 weeks in advance. Our courses usually include two cultural activities. Further information is available on the webpage of each course.

Duration 1 - 2 weeks
Price 80.00

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